500 Kilos of Mushrooms

I was recently at the farmer’s market near my apartment, all geared up to buy some mushrooms for a quiche. It takes less work than it used to, but I was still mentally preparing what I wanted to order when the vendor approached me. One kilo looked like too much, so 500 grams, or half a kilo, would be just right.

Mushroom Man: “How can I help you?”

Me, in my fake, “I’m-so-confident” German voice: “500 kilos of these mushrooms, please!”

Thankfully, he didn’t even pause. “Ok. 500 grams.” He dutifully scooped them into a paper cone while I replayed what I had just said in my head. Damn it. Thanks for playing it cool, Mushroom Man.

Mushroom Quiche, pre-egg:


There are no pre-made crusts in Germany, so I usually use this recipe. I’d recommend investing in an actual pie pan and rolling pin (rather than scraping by with a springform pan and your hands) to get the best results.

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